Happily partnering with the following yarn shops:
Yarnology, Winona, MN
Rose Yarn Co., Lakeville, MN
The Yarnery, St. Paul, MN
Be Woolen, Champlin, MN
Black Locust Farm, Lodi, OH
Finnegan's Run, Fredericksburg, VA
Friends & Fiber, La Grange, KY
Unwind Yarn Shop, Brighton, MI
Have You Any Wool, Beverly Hills, MI
String Theory, Glen Ellyn, IL
Mother of Purl Yarn Shop, Freeport, ME
Ewe-nique Knits, Royal Oak, MI
Imagiknit Yarn Shop, Omaha, NE
Needle Point Joint, Ogden, UT
The Tinsmith's Wife, Comfort, TX