
Happily partnering with the following yarn shops:

Yarnology, Winona, MN

Rose Yarn Co., Lakeville, MN

The Yarnery, St. Paul, MN

Be Woolen, Champlin, MN 

Black Locust Farm, Lodi, OH

Finnegan's Run, Fredericksburg, VA

Friends & Fiber, La Grange, KY

Unwind Yarn Shop, Brighton, MI 

Have You Any Wool, Beverly Hills, MI 

String Theory, Glen Ellyn, IL

Mother of Purl Yarn Shop, Freeport, ME

Ewe-nique Knits, Royal Oak, MI

Imagiknit Yarn Shop, Omaha, NE 

Tika Bags, Hamburg, PA

Fine Yarn Supply Co., Santa Cruz, CA

Knitters Without Borders, Sedona, AZ

Needle Point Joint, Ogden, UT

The Tinsmith's Wife, Comfort, TX